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Our team

Phenocell's founderBrigitte is an internationally recognized expert for brain plasticity, stroke and stem cell therapy. After receiving her Doctorate in the University of Montpellier, she completed a post-doctoral fellowship in the Anatomy Department of Shiga Medical School, Japan, before entering Inserm in Bordeaux. She coordinated the European program STEMS to analyze the therapeutic potential of iPSC-derived neural cells in stroke. In 2013 she took the challenge to leave academia for entrepreneurship and graduated the Challenge+ management and business training in HEC before creating Phenocell.

Brigitte Onteniente, PhD
Founder & CEO


Hélène, PhD, graduated from Paul Sabatier Toulouse III University. After having completed its PhD in cell physiology about stem cell differentiation, she specialized in adipose tissue biology during a post-doctoral stay. She joined Phenocell in 2021 as a research scientist to manage R&D skin projects.


Hélène Leménager
Head of Dermo-cosmetics

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Florian, PhD, graduated from Paris Saclay University. A specialist of iPSC applied to retinal diseases, Florian developed a project on Usher syndrome at the National Eye Institute, Bethesda. He joined in November 2023 to develop the AMD R&D platform based on iPSC-derived normal and pathological retinal cells.

Florian Régent

Head of Ophthalmology


Célian holds a L3Pro degree from Nice Côte d'Azur University and joined the Dermo-cosmetic Dpt. in 2022 as a R&D Technician.

Célian Soula

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Maëlys is an Intern from Nice Côte d'Azur University, preparing a Licence degree in the Ophthalmology Dpt. 

Maëlys Dubaut

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